Esthetician Training

The Esthetics diploma program prepares students to become professional estheticians in the wellness industry. By mixing theory with hands-on practice, the program gives you the foundation of skills and knowledge you’ll need to be successful in this line of work. Throughout their studies, students will learn about nail care and applications, hair removal, skin care, body treatments and so much more. They will also be taught about promoting health and wellbeing. Through hands-on practice, students will gain confidence in their abilities and learn how to interact with clients and make them comfortable.

If you enjoy interacting with customers, have a good work ethic and a true desire to improve other people’s health and wellbeing, a career in Esthetics could be a great fit for you. After completing this program, you’ll be able to find work in spas, beauty salons and institutes, health clubs, cosmetic firms or even on a cruise ship. Moreover, some graduates find work as sales representatives for manufacturers or retailers of esthetic products. Lastly, another option for your career is to take the independent route and open a salon or spa. All you need is fresh ideas, hard work, some capital, a good location and good execution. While opening a salon will require a lot of effort, who could resist being their own boss? Talk about living the dream!

The Esthetics program is varied and versatile enough so that you can find your own way as you go. You’ll see what you like and dislike, what you’re good at and what you’re less good at, and this will inform your career path and the future decisions you make regarding your employment.